The Mechanics of Roofing Lead Generation
Roofing lead generation is an online prospecting strategy that aims to get the contact info of roofing companies’ potential clients.
The digital revolution has forced roofing companies to include roofing lead generation in their marketing strategy.
Nowadays, roofing companies have become more competitive thanks to improved overall marketing tactics.
That’s why your marketing efforts should focus on both inbound and outbound strategies.
In general, roofing lead generation overtakes all other advertising channels when it comes to reach and ROI.
Why? Because everything is measurable, and as most people are connected to their phones for at least 2 or 3 hours daily, they are easy to reach.
Continue reading to discover the mechanics of roofing lead generation!
The Inbound Marketing Methodology
Inbound marketing is a business methodology that aims to attract customers through relevant and helpful content.
The complete methodology includes the following steps:
- Attract
- Connect
- Close
- Entertain
The goal is to provide value at every stage of your buyer’s journey.
With Roofers Going Digital’s inbound marketing strategy, your prospects and potential clients will find you through communication channels like social media, search engines, emails, and blogs.
The main difference with outbound strategies is that you won’t need to fight for your prospects’ attention.
Instead, you will ensure they contact you first.
For a more in-depth explanation of inbound marketing for roofing companies, click here.
Roofing Lead Qualification
A qualified roofing lead is someone who has indicated an interest in your roofing company’s product or service and is open to sharing their information with you.
Now let’s assess each scenario:
- Social Media Direct Messages
When a potential client reaches out to you via direct message on social media and asks about a specific roofing product or service, you have to ask immediately for their information.
When it comes to roofing lead generation, your followers see your content daily, which means they know exactly who you are and what you do.
- Landing Page
When a visitor discovers your roofing business through social media, you need to use a call-to-action to promote your website.
This action will allow them to visit your landing page.
A landing page is a web page your potential clients are directed to, to learn more about you.
The goal is to capture their contact info through a form and get in touch with them later.
Your landing page should explain why they should trust your roofing services.
- Live Chatbox
With a CRM, you can connect a conversational box that will be working 24/7 on your website.
As you know, roofing can become an emergency, and there will be people that will try to contact you immediately.
You can connect the live chatbox to your cell phone and receive the messages in real-time; make sure to ask them their name, phone, location, and roofing issue they have.
Depending on what type of information you receive, you can know if it is a qualified roofing lead or not.
- Email Response
When you share a valuable piece of content through your email marketing campaign, you are telling your subscribers you are experienced enough to take care of their roof.
People who have been receiving your emails for a while will be confident to reach out to you via email to ask for your roofing services.
To discover how to build an email marketing campaign, click here.
Start a Roofing Lead Generation Campaign with Us!
By aligning Roofers Going Digital’s inbound marketing methodology, you will create valuable content that your prospects will love.
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